
Showing posts from 2015

Sustaining life on Earth

Have you ever wondered how our Earth is sustaining life by keeping  all its biological (living thing) and non-biological components together. How bonds or interactions are built among both? An ecosystem is the minimal entity that has the properties required to sustain life. Earth is characteristics of ecosystems, not of individual organisms/populations. Life is sustained by interactions and functioning of many organisms together. Ecosystems ( ecological communities along with both biotic and a biotic components) form the baseline. An ecosystem consists of several species i.e Species which produce their own food Species which decompose the wastes of first species A fluid medium between two species. There are two processes taking place in an ecosystem i.e. A cycling of chemical elements Flow of energy No individual cell, population or community forms sufficient system to sustain / support life. In the presence of light; green plants algae and photosynthetic bacteria pro

“Water Temperature Effects on Fish and Aquatic Life”

Today I found this little piece of information in my personal "archives". It was probably the first ever assignment submitted at the beginning of my professional studies. Its fascinating how human knowledge grows over time.......... "Changes in temperature affect aquatic life. Temperature determines which organisms will thrive and which will diminish in numbers and size. For each organism there is a thermal death point. Also there is a range of temperature of that produces optimal abundance. Climate change is a cause of increasing concern to scientists and it will have decisive effects on marine mammals. How climate change will affect the ocean, which is home to marine mammals, is hard to predict since there are many factors that affect ocean ecosystems but here my emphasis will be on the effect of rise in temperature on “whales”. Long time ago, due to environmental changes, Marine mammals evolved to live in the ocean, but the effects of climate change may be

Fare......... fare

Scene 1: Three girls set from their university towards a near by hospital in order to do some community service. They had no choice but to use public transport . They decided to use a rickshaw as they considered it to be safer than cabs. None of them had much experience with the public transport but they decided to try their fate in the field of bargaining. They asked one Rickshaw about the fare he asked for Rs. 100. It was more than enough for such a short distance so they asked him to take Rs. 70. He agreed. They reached their within minutes and handed him a hundred rupee note and asked him for remaining money? "What money?" Asked the driver? I agreed on Rs. 100. Okay. "But we told you to that we will pay only Rs. 70?" They asked with surprise. "No way, I agreed on Rs. 100" He said while waving them away angrily. "Come on now, let it be, we will not die without it. HUH!" One of them said and headed straight. Scene 2: The same girls bo

Chivalry in Pakistani men: Active or dormant

“Considering the place was empty, and I was there alone, I expected the worst from the waiters. Surprisingly, during this entire ordeal, not one of them acted the slightest bit offensive. They were complete and utter gentlemen. They may not have come from highly educated and affluent backgrounds but each one of them was probably more honorable and brave than majority of the men I come across daily in my social gatherings. (Saba Khalid, 2011)” Chivalry is a type of guidelines given to men by either their family background or their social status. According to Merriam Webster, it is a code of conduct associated with the medieval institution of knighthood was termed as chivalry. Later In the 19th century, there were attempts to revive chivalry for the purposes of the gentleman of that time. Researcher also termed chivalry as “Benevolent sexism” i.e. chivalrous attitude toward women that feels favorable but is actually sexist because it casts women as weak creatures in need of men&#


Education is the simple process of learning and knowing. It is not only restricted to the schools or educational institutions, rather a child start learning things from mother’s lap. However, formal education starts from school where he gets the know how of his surroundings. Education is considered as the cheapest defence of a nation but unfortunately it is one of the biggest problems in Pakistan. The education system of Pakistan consists of primary, secondary, higher secondary levels but it is rotten to the core. With a good educational system a nation can progress to its peak and mark its way towards development. The main objective of an education system is to groom up a youth that is well educated and has the capability to cope with the changing conditions of the world. Before going in to further details, the term literacy should be taken into account according to   this region. In Pakistan “A person of 10 plus age is literate if he/she “can read a  newspaper and write a simp

21st ammendment prolongs

With the recent situation of law and then order in the country, the court has Decided to keep the 21st ammendment. Amendment of First Schedule of the Constitution: In the Constitution, in the First Schedule, in sub-part III of Part I, after entry 5, the following new entries shall be added, namely:- The Pakistan Army Act, 1952 (XXXXIX of 1952). The Pakistan Air Force Act, 1953 (VI of 1953). The Pakistan Navy Ordinance, 1961 (XXXV of 1961). The Protection of Pakistan Act, 2014 (X of 2014).[5] This order was came in to being on 7th January 2015. It is expected to extend till 7th January 2016. Yesterday the progress of the arm courts was viewed under the panel of seventeen judges among which eleven favored this decision. Earlier this decision was termed as a ' soft coup' or a question on the face of f judiciary system of Pakistan but the popularity and the effectiveness in of this amendment is leading to the change in views

Globalization: A few aspects in Canada and ndia

“The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale is termed as globalization.” It takes place by interchange of views, products, culture, norms, values, ideas etc. It has the tendency to move beyond domestic and local markets to other markets around the world as it interconnects them all. Globalization is a very vast term. It is not only irreversible but irresistible as well. Some regard it as the result and cause of advancement in the contemporary world, yet it is not as new as one thinks so. It started when first person decided to settle in the other country or the continent. We, being Muslims, know very well about the spread of Islam. As it is a religion beyond boundaries, people, outside Arabia also accepted it and  moulded  their lives in according to its teachings. It started when Columbus set for his journey or when the Dutch sent their ambassadors to India etc. Whatever may be the caus

What can it be called?

It has been two days since I have been reading news about the recent change in the lives of "Pindi Boys", yes here I' refereeing to the new policy of Centaurus Mall, Islamabad.  People on other cities are again making fun as Islamabad couldn't handle a single mall? Seriously????   Well jokes a part but this is really a serious matter if keenly observed. According to which people will be charged to go "inside" the mall. This policy has been made in order to control the number of people in there. However, there are twenty type of people who will not have to buy a ticket. This recent change has been widely criticized as people believe that the management has made a barrier again between "high-class"  and "loss-class" shopping area. Some people also commented (on social media) that may be the management doesn't appreciate  too much  poor visiting it. The most important point which had been raised is that who among all wil