Fare......... fare

Scene 1:
Three girls set from their university towards a near by hospital in order to do some community service. They had no choice but to use public transport . They decided to use a rickshaw as they considered it to be safer than cabs. None of them had much experience with the public transport but they decided to try their fate in the field of bargaining. They asked one Rickshaw about the fare he asked for Rs. 100. It was more than enough for such a short distance so they asked him to take Rs. 70. He agreed. They reached their within minutes and handed him a hundred rupee note and asked him for remaining money? "What money?" Asked the driver? I agreed on Rs. 100. Okay. "But we told you to that we will pay only Rs. 70?" They asked with surprise. "No way, I agreed on Rs. 100" He said while waving them away angrily. "Come on now, let it be, we will not die without it. HUH!" One of them said and headed straight.

Scene 2:
The same girls booked another rickshaw while returning and after bargaining agreed to pay Rs. 100. The driver did not know about the girls assured him that they'll guide him. But they told him to take wrong way which they realized soon and apologized to the driver. He said nothing and took the nearest U-turn. The girls kept on chattering the whole way and kept on guiding the driver as well. Then one of them said" I think we should pay him at least Rs. 100; he really had to take a longer way because of us!" So they payed him with a hundred rupee note happily . They neither asked for the remaining money nor did they let him take it out.

Now you may be wondering that why am I discussing this little, not-so-important, daily life incident here. Is their really a significant thing to be discussed? To some extend yes!
You might have observed that in both of the scenes the girls failed to get a reduced fare. In-fact they had to pay more than the decided amount both of the times but did you notice that their expression and reaction was different at both scenarios. They were offended in scene 1 but just because of some common courtesy they happily . It is just about the way we treat people. Our good behavior makes other to do the same with us. 


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