Globalization: A few aspects in Canada and ndia

“The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale is termed as globalization.”

It takes place by interchange of views, products, culture, norms, values, ideas etc. It has the tendency to move beyond domestic and local markets to other markets around the world as it interconnects them all.

Globalization is a very vast term. It is not only irreversible but irresistible as well. Some regard it as the result and cause of advancement in the contemporary world, yet it is not as new as one thinks so. It started when first person decided to settle in the other country or the continent. We, being Muslims, know very well about the spread of Islam. As it is a religion beyond boundaries, people, outside Arabia also accepted it and moulded their lives in according to its teachings. It started when Columbus set for his journey or when the Dutch sent their ambassadors to India etc. Whatever may be the cause of it, it has resulted in changing this world in to a global village. It all has been made possible due to the scientific advancement.

·         Factors of Globalization:
 Following are the factors which contribute towards globalization:
1.    Advancement in infrastructure
2.    Telecommunication
3.    Transportation
4.    Internet (most important)
In 2000, IMF (International Monetary Fund) identified the following aspects of globalization:
1.    Trade
2.    Migration
3.    Capital movement
4.    Diffusion of knowledge
The contemporary globalization however is said to have accelerated after the establishment of World Treaty Organization. (W.T.O).The basic purpose was to establish border-less trade.

·         Concepts about globalization:
1.    Globalization is said to be a blessing for the current age. Man in this age has become so obsessed with the knowledge that he simply cannot depend upon the old techniques or machinery whether he has to work in an office or in a kitchen.
2.    The second concept about globalization is that it is a curse which has engulfed us all. It leads to frustration and craving for more. It is believed that it is leading \is the cause of neo- colonialism also.
·         Perceptions about globalization:
Critics of globalization claim that it weakens national sovereignty and promotes rich cultures  Critics of globalization say that it weakens national sovereignty and allows rich nations to ship domestic jobs overseas where labour is much cheaper.
·         Benefits of globalization:
1.    Increased standard of living
2.    Access to global markets
3.    Decrease in unemployment
4.    Creates new opportunities for foreign investors / entrepreneurs
·         Negative effects of globalization:
1.    Widening disparity in incomes (huge difference between educated and uneducated persons.
2.    Global finite resources are being consumed up more quickly.
3.    Dependence on other countries for essential goods and services.
·         Countries chosen to study the effects of globalization:
Canada and India are the countries which I chose in order to determine the effects of globalization between these two countries. Of all the effects, my focus is on business (trade), media and language.
v  Canada:
Canada is situated in northern part of North America with the population of approximately 3.5 crores. (Wikipedia) Approximately 30,000 Indian citizens become new permanent residents of Canada each year. (The Story of Indian Immigration to Canada, April 2014)
·         Effects of globalization (India) on Canada:
The effects of globalization on Canada are enormous. It has contributed to the raise in incomes, increase in employment rate, inflation etc. With the increase in number of Indians found in Canada new channels are being engraved by the policy makers to strengthen up these terms.

·         Business:
Over the years, dozens of Indians have joined the ranks of multimillionaires. The concept of “brain-drain” has also served for both India and Canada. More people are being transferred to India as she is the country with low wages, inexpensive energy sources and lenient rules for pollution and regulations
·         Media:
With the penetrating roots of Bollywood in west; Indian culture, cuisines and trends etc. Canadians from all communities now easily recognize the sounds and colours found in Indian cinema. India who was viewed as poor and ill-literate is now known as complex modern, technological and metropolitan hub which even opens channels for real political and economic outcomes. For example, Indian International Film Awards (IIFA) were hosted in Toronto in 2011 which were attended by many conglomerates.
“Canada’s success and growth as a country is intimately tied to the growth of its immigrant communities. It has been my great pleasure to help many Indian citizens come to Canada to live and work. I know that with every new arrival, our country is becoming richer both economically and culturally.” (Attorney David Cohen)
Although Canada has always been idealized by Asians due to the availability of better sources to flourish yet, west or NRI i.e. Non-Indian residents were portrayed as greedy, non-religious and hyper-sexualized people but this trend is also being reduced with the passage of time as more people are travelling to Canada for schooling, employment etc.
·         Language:
Immigration is changing the linguistic landscape of Canada. Along with other languages, Punjabi has become the second among most spoken immigrant language there. In the Toronto area, 8 percent of immigrants spoke Punjabi and the number of English speakers at home in both the metropolitan centers of Toronto and Vancouver is also declining. Hindi and Bengali are also being widely adopted in Canada. (Punjabi is second largest immigrant language spoken in Canada. Thu, Oct 25th, 2012).
·         India:
The Republic of India is a south Asian state which is the seventh largest stat of the world and has an estimated population of 1.7 billion people. (Wikipedia)
·         Business:
India offers unlimited opportunities not just for Canada, but for other global competitors who have been quick off the mark. The increasing Westernization of India has made it much easier and more comfortable for people to move here.  President Harper and Modi have provided perfect opportunity for Canadian business community in this past growing market. Not only big cities like Mumbai and New Delhi; other states are also excellent for investment. Canadians now see India as a priority in the government’s global markets Action Plan as new trade offices and frameworks have been made in the sectors like agri-food, mining, environment, energy, science, technology, training, foreign investment etc.
To stimulate growth and to attract investors, India has undertaken a series of major reforms to improve the business climate and true potential for investment. Canada’s new policies and legislations (for investors) as well as the Canada-India CEPA will contribute to India’s economic growth.
India still has many problems - grinding poverty and malnutrition, corruption, poor infrastructure, inordinate amounts of bureaucracy - but it also has new wealth and opportunity, which is attracting entrepreneurial talent from around the world. For example, 30,000 people left Britain to make a life in India in 2010 (BBC)
·         Media:
As the bilateral relations are being strengthened up between India and Canada; Canadians can now apply for ten years visa in India and will also be able to enjoy e-Tourist visa facility. India is becoming an ideal place for artists and performers and many Canadians/Indo-Canadians prefer to stay and work in India. The cultural differences have been removed due to globalization as people in west are attracted to the rich cultural diversity of India. The recent bloom of Indian media has aided in attracting more Canadians to her.
·         Language:
The growing susceptibility of Indian for foreign international languages has made it easy for the Canadians to live their lives easily in India. “"For us the Indian dream is the chance to bear witness to the incredible transformation happening in modern India and hopefully nudge it for the better." (Sean, BBC. 22 October 2012)


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