What can it be called?

It has been two days since I have been reading news about the recent change in the lives of "Pindi Boys", yes here I' refereeing to the new policy of Centaurus Mall, Islamabad. People on other cities are again making fun as Islamabad couldn't handle a single mall? Seriously????

 Well jokes a part but this is really a serious matter if keenly observed. According to which people will be charged to go "inside" the mall. This policy has been made in order to control the number of people in there. However, there are twenty type of people who will not have to buy a ticket.

This recent change has been widely criticized as people believe that the management has made a barrier again between "high-class"  and "loss-class" shopping area. Some people also commented (on social media) that may be the management doesn't appreciate  too much  poor visiting it. The most important point which had been raised is that who among all will decide who is famous and who isn't. What if a person is not well-known on social media but has a high repute among citizens. Will the celebrities from small cities ( like kabaddi players for instance) will be welcomed in the manner like cricket stars? And most importantly will social media stars ( video makers etc.) will be given equal protocol like others (as now a days people know them better than any other celebrity)
Who among all will keep on checking in the raise and fall of celebrities. 

The thing which took my attention (well most of it) and the thing which I have perceived so far from this new policy is that every one is allowed except common men i.e. they need to but tickets. Now where exactly are all the social activists who keep on loosing their nerves on every other domestic issue of women, blame society and every other person for racism and feminism. Isn't it unjust for the men? Isn't it what people call differentiation? Are men not equal part of the society or do they not have right to enjoy every thing just being a common man?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Such a stupid policy. They could have allowed only families to come or something like that. I completely agree with your point of view. By the way, very informative and well written post.


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