Story Corner

                       Married to a murderer

The corridor was empty at this hour of the day except a few nurses at the end of the ally . The reception desk was empty but I didn't bother about it as I knew where to go. As my steps began to echo in the hallway; I suspected my own shadow lingering on the walls and changing shapes, new and horrible shapes. No one except the person I was going to meet knew the purpose of my arrival here in this asylum at this hour. I quietly stopped at the door of an office and knocked. There was a pause and then I was welcomed in. 

"How's the now?" I inquired. the doctor who took me in replied"She is well but....."
"But what?" I cut him before he could finish his sentence.
"But she is becoming even more impatient. She mumbles and cries; she even begs people to let go of her , to stop bothering her." he completed his sentence patiently. 
"This is strange" he continued"because she is not medicated very much"
"Why isn't she recovering?" I asked.My eyes became dim as I asked. The doctor noticed this change in my voice so he got up and patted me on my arm then continued "This is a serious situation Mr. Beck as psychology has deep doors to be unlocked. We think that we have reached far but in reality we find our selves in the middle of no where. I hope you understand" I did. I knew he was unable to understand her condition; it was the very same reason why I quit my practice as well. The doctor adjusted his position in his chair and said" Tell me, why does she begs others to leave her alone?"
" This question should be asked by me doctor." I said coldly.
" Ah, this is not what I mean, what I meant is that did she ever had any medical history before this."
"Nor that I know" I replied.

The doctor continued What I have reached so far is that your wife has witnessed something terrible which is causing this trauma"
I raised my brows at this question and the doctor understood "Of course I know about that criminal record but she doesn't seem to be convinced of it."
"Can I meet her?" I changed the subject.
"You can Mr. but the problem is that whenever you leave after visiting her, she becomes so impatient that all her progress is lost."
"So she is recovering?"
"Yes, but her recovery rate is very slow. You see, losing a sibling is terrible and if you yourself are his cause of death......................"
"I need to meet her?" I repeated my question again; this time more forcefully.

"Sure" He said as he got up. I also got up. I also got up and followed him. He took me to a room where she was sound asleep. He left as I settled myself in a chair near-by. I took  a small bottle out of my pocket and injected her the dose, this time some extra dose and remembered how had we met for the first time at her brother's house; the day we got married and the day when his brother tried to expose my true identity. As I finished him off, I found her glaring at me. She remained expressionless and I decided what to do next. I shifted my position with her and removed all the clues. And then she became the murderer instead me.

As I left, the doctor met me apologetically and said" It's very difficult to be married to a murderer..."
"Yes it is" I replied as I left. 


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