Environmental Mela 2015

Today at 12th April 2015, the annual Environmental mela was organized by National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC) at Ayub Park Rawalpindi. The timing for it were from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm ( anyone could come) and it was open to allThe theme for this year was "Importance of soil and food security". This was specially done to promote Environmental protection and the leading universities in this department competed in it i.e.
  1. Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
  2. International Islamic University, Islamabad
  3. PMAS (Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi)
  4. Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad
The schools competing in this mela were

  1. Gov. High School , Morgah
  2. HDF schools
  3. The educators harley street, Rawalpindi
Students from various institutes were present there and praisd the efforts of both the organizers and the one who were competing. The students portrayed their excellent skills in the form of art work and showed their concern, understanding and motivation for this discipline. They were a number of models and posters by each institutes on their stalls and portrayed simple et effective measures for the restoration of environment.The head of departments of each university were also present there and contributed to a large scale interactive sessions and exchange of knowledge. 

The firs stall (after administration and physicist) was the International Islamic University which was very elaborately decorated and huge bright models. When we visited their models and inquired about the environmental duties being performed by them, it was really a good thing to know that they have planted appropriately 3,800 trees in their university and are planning to do more.  Their concepts were very different from the other models and their students also displayed complete command on their knowledge. After them was the stall of PMAS Arid Agriculture University who has also followed the theme up to the mark. Their model was effective and appreciated  After them was the stall of Fatima Jinnah women University who had made six models and five posters. Their models were both simple yet colourful, effective and portrayed their command over their subject. They also told the visitors about the regular community work and the progress being made by their university. Being a women university, they face many challenging situations but are effectively contributing to it.

After them was the stall from Government high school Morgah who had made many small and large models of various sizes and colours which depicted the vast thinking patterns of the coming generation. The Educators has the next stall and had performed their duty well. they were very active and they visited the stalls along with their teachers. After them was the stall of Quaid-e-Azam University who had proved themselves to be the "out of the box" thinkers again. Their models mainly consisted of recycling models yet they paid attention to food conservation as well. Last stalls was of the participants and teachers of HDF school who had made aot of things by recycling . they had made a beautiful model as well.
The university who got the first position is Fatima Jinnah Women University
and the second position was secured by both International Islamic University Islamabad and Quaid-e-Azam University. All the participants were given the certificates of participation also. They were provided with food also.

Last but not the least the day was awesome and everyone enjoyed  a lot. 
 (P.S: I do not have enough pictures of this event as my cam ditched me on wrong time yet any input by the readers would be welcomed)


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