
"living in Third world country is not as easy as it seems to be. The requirements of citizenship are far greater than living in some developed country no matter how much global viewers take pity and act as much co operate as they can; some things can't be changed and on top of that is human nature"

Life is never easy for any individual no matter how much they try to fit themselves in it. The challenges meet by any person daily are of high significance when it comes to coping-up with the competitors. While living in Pakistan (throughout my life of course) I have witnessed so many types of people that some times it becomes difficult for us to differentiate among specific types. Now here I'm not referring to the cast or creed of people (Pakistan is a diverse country inhabited by multi-coloured people; belonging to different classes and mindsets etc) rather the nature shared by them. Whether you are living in an elite area or in slums ; you will witness such a combination of people that it will become evident that these people are simply not able to give up their nature.

Being born and bread in and near the capital of our state (Islamabad a) we have meet many types of people . Some have the privilege of living here for generations ( the people of potohr Plateau) but most the people have migrated here from most of the villages. Out of families of more than 5-10 children each or so ; one or two of them manage to get education and eventually get promoted and get settled in this city. Now when they get implanted here they bring with them diverse culture ad the villager background with themselves also.

Now this is the start of new war between civilized and uncivilized people. People with extraordinary build up accents of "Angrezi" will try very hard to prove themselves to be more human/ civilized than you, the common folks who were educated in normal public schools and do not have wide range of words to express their thoughts. Moreover, this imbalance of their surroundings, their homes and their educational institutes also creates confused hybrid personalities. On the other hand, the common folks will start being over powered by them. Now its not like everyone here thinks/ feels in this very same way( This region s surrounded by Normal/ good / simple people as well). We do find down-to-Earth sort of people as well but of course, it really depends upon your luck...but the question still remains unanswered "Does living at the wrong side of the city be affecting for anyone's esteem?"

Many among us do ask this very same question to ourselves on regular basis but do we get answers? No. because this s the wrong thing to ask for. All human needs is to rephrase his thoughts. Instead of asking about whether he lives at right or wrong side , he should be asking "Am I living in the correct way/ Am i having with the way my life is proceeding? Asking someone else is just like banging our heads with wall. I mean .... How can a person think that a beautiful face with loads of money is only going to utter beautiful words only? Isn't it possible that may be that same beautiful face is hiding so many of the secrets, perhaps lies. We human is so naive that even the change of a face can  fool him easily; then why hypocrisy is an non-detachable part of his nature now? If we cannot muster up enough courage to see our own real face(viewing our real face is the only way by which we can come to know what actually we want); we do not have any right to be judgemental in case of others also.  Once human will learn about his needs and desires/ priorities, he'll have no difficulty in not changing but yet altering his nature (to some extend)


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