Regional Cooperation in Light of Paris Agreement

Panel Name: Regional Cooperation in Light of Paris Agreement

Donor: HBS, Pakistan

Chair:Mr. Nisar Memon
Mr. Skhaeel Ahmed Ramay
Dr. Imran khalid,
Ms. Nazma Shaheen
Mr. Mehmood Nasir
Mr. Sanjay Vishast

Mr. Shafqat Khakakheel

Panel Organizer: Dr. Imran Khalid; Ahmed Awais Khaver, SDPI and HBS

19th Sustainable Development Conference took place from 6th-8th December 2016 in Marriott Hotel Islamabad. While the conference focused on many aspects of sustainable development; onepanel was exclusively focused on the global emissions and the follow-up of Paris Agreement in context of South Asia. The details are given below:


While addressing a session Regional cooperation in light of Paris Agreement, on Mr. Nisar Memon, chairman water and environment forums, human security is not possible if we don’t address the issue of climate issues in policies which should be more people centric and generation centric. Therefore, there is need of inverse hierarchy and long communication cycle for the implementation of climate change policies and agendas.  He stressed on increased collaborations between all the stakeholders. He advised the panel for more campaigning, conferences and collective movements.

Mr. Naseer Gilani from Planning Commission of Pakistan remarked that there is need to address the transboundry issues like air pollution. He talked about cost variations and the need for the reduction of cost for the regional technology transfer.

Mr. SanjayVishast from India Climate Action Network stressed on regional cooperation in South Asia by suggesting the investments in renewable energy source like solar panels which are fast and efficient. He discussed the impact of disaster which are becoming fast and efficient and causing loss and damage with time however, mutual cooperation can solve this issue. He stressed on the point that we cannot tolerate the rising temperature beyond 20C as the consequences would be hard.  He also identified the need of aid to reduce 20% of tis global emissions by 2020. He negated the idea of using coal and identified solar energy as an emerging filed which requires more focus.

Dr, Imran Khalid from SDPI, discussed different factors and players of the planning process. He highlighted the track 2 initiatives conducted between India and Pakistan and suggested for the early warning system fr disaster risk reduction, collaborative monitoring and assessment system and use of adaptation technologies to address the challenges of climate change on regional level.  


Mr. Shakeel Ahmed Ramay, Researcher from SDPI highlighted the need to bring business hubs in the track-2 initiatives between India and Paksitan so that the issues related to energy and water scarcity can be addressed with shared interests. He suggested to trim and divide the recommendations of all the Paris Agreement in to various parts and then to devise plan for implementation on them.

Climate resilience should be holistic, integrated and considered as the access to basic human rights. These remarks were delivered by Ms. Nazma Shaheen from Action Aid PAkistan. She said that regional cooperation is a pragmatic strategy between India and Pakistan requiring shared steps to address climate change issues.She suggested to make policies people centric and recommended the use  need of business to business  participation and sharing of data between countries.

Mr. Mehmood Nasir, IG Forestry emphasized on the issue of animal security and regarded it equivalent to human security issues.  Mr. Khakakheel, Board of Gover SDPI, analyzed the role of the declarations which have taken place in the past and emphasized on the need of implementation. He further emphasized on the need on bilateral dialogues. He highlighted the scope of the discussions on technical and ministerial level.



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