Cyber Crimes and Ethics: A look in “Prevention of Cyber Crime Law” (Pakistan)

Usage of internet is the need of today. No domain of life seems possible without it. Sectors like education, business, trade, telecommunication etc. have been revolutionized only because of it. The life which we are living is quite different from the one which was lived by our forefathers. The way we think, talk, interact, plan our day and communicate with others is different from what our ancestors did. Long gone are the days when people used to gather at night in open spaces, around fire to share their experiences from their day. Thanks to social media communication has become more feasible and less time consuming. Now we can share our very own information, thoughts and ideas with anyone at any time within minutes.

When presented an opportunity; the hidden critic, philosopher, writer, and analysts comes out of every human. Social media helps them to play the role of their choice i.e. to live a virtual life which everyone desires but never gets. One of my supervisors think that people use social media either to gain more followers or simply to lie. But let’s not just focus on the darker side only. Millions of people are benefited only by the use of Social Media, many get jobs/earn revenues and many acquire meaningful information from this medium. therefore it is our moral duty to defend the honor of the medium which we use the most because

1) Lies don't shape our lives 
2)  It’s a cliché but I’ll use it “honesty is the best policy”. Whatever we do on social media, once it is  published; it stays there forever.

  Ethics of using Social Media:
There are certain elements on social media which need to be considered while using it top most of which is only spreading the information which is accurate. Although there are hundreds of websites offering wide range of information, this fact is not unknown that a person needs to verify his source before believing and sharing it with others. Verification of email addresses and phone numbers can easily be done.
While there are number of disregards related to what is “on” and “off” social media, the user must never forget that every news and report has an impact which may produce negative outcomes if not used wisely therefore it is essential to differentiate a rumor from a reality. Any doubtful thing must not be shared. The user must also be aware of his power to deal with the situation. There is always an option related of “report abuse” on every web link. Also in case of uncertainty; the site handlers can be easily approached via email.
The Manipulation and misuse of the electronic information is not new to us. They can easily be tampered, altered and photos-shopped. The next thing which should be done carefully is graphics sharing. One must have fair idea of the impact of the images, gifs, animations and videos being shared. The presence of the data cannot be controlled however, every citizen should have be clear enough of his/her activates. The simplest solution is to avoid sharing doubtful information.  The chances of leak of personal information are always present on social media; therefore highest level of privacy is recommended for it. Websites are devising best to the best privacy measures to secure date from tampering. One should always keep a check on the on-going activities not only on their accounts but on other’s activities as well. In case of encountering some insecurity/ ambiguity or offensive views; it must be reported to the main server.
There is need to set standards for sharing of opinions online. Also the elements of respect should never be forgotten. Though social media provides plat from to share views yet there is need for the demarcation of the prescribed limits as offensive and controversial issues, inappropriate language and ideologies give rise to hatred in the society. Everyone has his/her own norms, traditions, living standards and priorities which should not be neglected.
Prevention of Cyber Crime Law in Pakistan:
Where globalization has shared brought people closer or 6 degree separation is empowering human rights and living standards; it is not uncommon for countries to rely or more on electronic sources. Pakistan is one of those countries who are readily adopting social media as a mode to communication, expression and entertainment. According to internet stats, 17.8% of the total population has now access to internet which constitutes 1% of the global internet users. This is not the end as the proportion is increasing with increase in broadband services (including mobile broadband packages) and cheap cells have contributed to increase to 25 million users (2016).  60% of the people interact with brands online now.
Developing nations like Malaysia have been working hard to strengthen their cyber network system. Certain acts like payment system act (2003), personal data protection act (2010), tele-medicine act (1997), communication and Multimedia Content Code 2011 are already present. Unfortunately, this situation is far more complex and not up to mark due to number of reasons.  Prevention of Cyber Crime Act will finally attain the level of law (Cyber Crime law), after the approval from national assembly with nearly 50 amendments.
 the Cyber Crime keeps on focus on a number of factors including terrorist activities and child pornography, sharing, influencing and distribution of some private information, cyber stalking, fraud, forgery, interference/ manipulation of the data/information portals and hacking of websites, user accounts have been addressed in it. It also addresses regulations related to hate speech so that people cannot spread radical/religious and ethnic hatred though online and glorification of an offense. One of the most important points is that foreign countries will be accessed to arrest the alleged people from there.
Punishments have been decided accordingly as well along with the establishment of special court. Few of the examples are listed below:
·         14 years imprisonment and fine up to 5 million for cyber terrorism.
·         7 years imprisonment for campaigning against innocent people
·         Rs. 500,000 fine on spreading hatred speech, taking any part in child pornography etc.
·         7 years imprisonment on fund raising for terrorism or any related activity.
·         3 years imprisonment and fine worth 1 million will be one to the people illegally using internet data.
·         6 months imprisonment and fine for transmission, transfer, copying of any data without the consent of authority is punishable.
·         4-5 years imprisonment and fine for Illegal access and interference with the program data (related to destruction, deletion, prevention, deterioration, causing hindrance to obtain data etc.)
·         Cyber terrorism creating insecurity in government or public section, due to the influence of  any sect, religious group,
·         Up to 2 years jail and fine for electronic forgery for wrongful gain, loss, economic benefit for one party or another, shall also be punished.
·         305 years jail and fine for influencing any public servant in exercise of public duty and government controlled information.
·         5 years imprisonment and fine up to 10 million for fraudulent intent (with or without authority)
Intentional Spamming:
The most interesting thing which I found is the clause of intentional spamming in the bill. Marketing has its own benefits but receiving constant SMS and emails related to a product without subscription is annoying. Therefore jail up to 3 months and fine up to 5 million has now been decided to overcome this issue.
Where the bill will determine certain restrictions and code of conduct on cyber media; many claim that it will be an impediment in freedom of expression as it provides the authorities with great power.
·    Although this bill addresses regulation related criminals and law breaches however, it doesn’t address the regulations related to distributions and redistribution of such material like blasphemous material. (Abbasi, 2016). Such activities have resulted in banning many poplar websites and vandalism in Pakistan in the past. Although no one can blame someone as long as it can be proved but if someone is really involved in it? Therefore there is strong need to address such sensitive matters as well.
·         Regulations related to access to pornographic material also needs to be considered.
  Now when the bill has been passed, posing numerous assertions on user’s behavior one must know about their conduct online. We must know its impacts and consequences clearly in order to avoid any detrimental/ undesirable effects which may lead anyone to fine or worst Pakistani Jails.


 if you are the victim/witness any of these cyber crimes, then report via Cyber Crime website
call on  9911


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