Transport, Environment & Health: Awareness Raising amongst students and academia

This session was carried out on 18th May 2016 at Fatima Jinnah Women University regarding the importance of transport in daily life. Skilled men from their respective fields were there and shared there experience and views.
Dr. Salim janjua, national project Manager (NPM) at Pakistan Sustainable Transport (PakTrans),UNDP Pakistan started the discussion while stressing about the need and advent of sustainable transport in Pakistan. After his consent Mr. Shakeel Ahmad Ramay, Senior Research Associate and Research Coordinator at Sustainable Development Policy Institute further stressed on the awareness raising regarding sustainable transport by stressing on the relationship of socio-economic factors and transport. He also raised a question i.e. why have the areas near Railway stations always so densely populated?
After that the importance of BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) and sustainable transport system were discussed.

Mr. Arif Qureshi from National Highway Authority highlighted the importance of highways in economy. He also talked about the licenses and the significance of driver's capabilities for the citizens.His message was simple; whoever is perent on the road bears the responsibility of his/her own safety and the surroundings.

The session was concluded by the remarks of the Dr. Samina Amin Qadir Vice Chancellor Fatima Jinnah Women University who thanked the dignified guests for their precious time to talk about such an important topic.


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