The blame game

Yesterday the history of Pakistan faced another strike on its future; the students of bacha khan university,  charsadda were attacked by militants. With the breaking news being streamed all over media, people were imploded by the immense fear that perhaps history is indeed repeating its self after such a short gap however this fear was over come by the military forces within hours and most of the people were rescued. 
Nearly 21 deaths have been reportef by the authorities including one professor, four security guards and students. Whenever the future of Pakistan is at risk, we see a lot of controversy being rotated. People along with media channels start to question the hold of law inforcing authorities and are critically analyzed. Social media starts to boom with the debate on whether army and goernment are going the it job and the blame game continues.
The most unimportant thing which is being encountered is the huge investments being made on some motivational songs (for APS martyrs) not only by the singers themselves but officially by the law enforcing bodies as well. Even a game is also being designed for this purpose as well.  Is this really needed by those who actually govern us?  If so then first they need to ensure cent percent reduction of such incidents which unfortunately has not been achieved yet. These entertainment factors are not our primary need but security, peace of mind and prosperity is what they actually need to ensure.  We have many entertainers but when it comes to defence, we donot have much of the choice....
Perhaps we are right.  These law inforcing bodies are not up to the mark but do we realize that in this pursue of nationalism, what role we as a nation are playing?  No one can answer this question because we are not even playing our role as individuals; we tend to speak against the prevailing evils but we our action are contradictory to our statements.  We want a safe and prosperous Pakistan but we donot want to be a part of it rather we believe that this thing shiuld be presented to us instead by someone,  someone who can later be blamed for the mistakes committed by everyone.
If we want to live up to the desired standards then we need to reconsider our practices and priorities as well. May Allah Almighty grant peace to the soul of the deceased ones and save us from the both externaland internal evils.


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