
Showing posts from 2016

Regional Cooperation in Light of Paris Agreement

Panel Name: Regional Cooperation in Light of Paris Agreement Donor : HBS, Pakistan Chair: Mr. Nisar Memon Speakers: Mr. Skhaeel Ahmed Ramay Dr. Imran khalid, Ms. Nazma Shaheen Mr. Mehmood Nasir Mr. Sanjay Vishast Mr. Shafqat Khakakheel Panel Organizer:  Dr. Imran Khalid; Ahmed Awais Khaver, SDPI   and HBS 19th Sustainable Development Conference took place from 6th-8th December 2016 in Marriott Hotel Islamabad. While the conference focused on many aspects of sustainable development; onepanel was exclusively focused on the global emissions and the follow-up of Paris Agreement in context of South Asia. The details are given below:                         While addressing a session Regional cooperation in light of Paris Agreement, on Mr. Nisar Memon, chairman water and environment forums , human security is not possible if we don’t address the issue of climate issues in policies which should be more people centric and generation centric. Therefore,

19th Sustainable Development Conference

Sustainable Development Conference (SDC) is the annual flagship conference organized by sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) Islamabad, an independent Non-Profit Organization working for the promotion of sustainable development in the region. This organization focuses on three main areas, research, advocacy and capacity building. SDC connects different researchers, policy makers and practitioners with each other under  with the aim to promote sustainable development. This year 19th Sustainable Development Conference was organized with the overarching theme 'Envisaging the Future Together' from 6th-8th December 2016 in Marriott Hotel Islamabad.The  conference focused upon all the three components of sustainable development. i.e. Cooperation between developed and developing countries for Sustainable Development Human centerd-ness Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) During the three days event; 150+ panelists from over 16 countries partici

Banning Indian Content In Pakistan: Are the strategies enough?

The endless war between India and Pakistan has reached its brim after a break of nearly a decade. The different scenario encountered this time is that Pakistan has decided to answer India by banning the Indian content being aired in Pakistan; something which was needed from a long time.Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has decided to crackdown on the illegal Indian DTH (direct to home) channels. The Punjab government is collaborating on this issue in implementing this strategy. Not only this but Pakistani Cinema has also decided not to screen Indian content in response to the displacement of celebrities working in India.  Although these strategies seem quite effective yet there are many questions which need to be answered. PEMRA needs to decide the magnitude of the shows which are currently being on-aired as nearly all of the private channels conglomerates  have dedicated a separate channels to "legally" telecast the Indian content. Here it should a

A look in “Prevention of Cyber Crime Law” (Pakistan)

Usage of internet is the need of today. No domain of life seems possible without it. Sectors like education, business, trade, telecommunication etc. have been revolutionized only because of it. The life which we are living is quite different from the one which was lived by our forefathers. The way we think, talk, interact, plan our day and communicate with others is different from what our ancestors did. Long gone are the days when people used to gather at night in open spaces, around fire to share their experiences from their day. Thanks to social media communication has become more feasible and less time consuming. Now we can share our very own information, thoughts and ideas with anyone at any time within minutes. Prevention of Cyber Crime Law in Pakistan: Where globalization has shared brought people closer or 6 degree separation is empowering human rights and living standards; it is not uncommon for countries to rely or more on electronic sources.  Pakistan is one of t

Cyber Crimes and Ethics: A look in “Prevention of Cyber Crime Law” (Pakistan)

Usage of internet is the need of today. No domain of life seems possible without it. Sectors like education, business, trade, telecommunication etc. have been revolutionized only because of it. The life which we are living is quite different from the one which was lived by our forefathers. The way we think, talk, interact, plan our day and communicate with others is different from what our ancestors did. Long gone are the days when people used to gather at night in open spaces, around fire to share their experiences from their day. Thanks to social media communication has become more feasible and less time consuming. Now we can share our very own information, thoughts and ideas with anyone at any time within minutes. Image has been retrieved from When presented an opportunity; the hidden critic, philosopher, writer, and analysts comes out of every human. Social media helps them to play the r

Adbul Sattar Edhi's Ideology of Social Service & Charity

Photo credits: SDPI Speakers:   Ms. Shazia Maqsood Chairperson Pakistan Centre for philanthropy, Shoaib Sultan, Javed                     Dar Depty Represenatative Edhi Foundation Venue:       SDPI Conference Hall Date:         1st August, 2016 Timings:    3:00 pm-5:00 pm The objective of the session was to review the ideology of Mr. Edhi along with his good governance which has resulted in performing tasks like no other and to pay tribute to that legendary man.  The session started with the opening remarks of team Dr Abid Suleri who introduced Mr Edhi as an entity whose is greater than any words concentrated. The life of Mr Edhi is a success story, a land mark and an ideology of good governance which needs to be recognized at every level. From starting till progression, Edhi has formed an example. SDPI plans to conduct researches on his work to highlight them. He raised the question about the factors because of which people had faith in him and made him successful. He

Social Media: Outreach 2k16

The life which we are living is quite different from the one which was lived by our forefathers. The way we think, talk, interact, plan our day and communicate with others is different from what our ancestors did. Long gone are the days when people used to gather at night in open spaces, around fire to share their experiences from their day. Thanks to social media communication has become more feasible and less time consuming. Now we can share our very own information with anyone at any time within minutes. While social media sites are known for personal information of people regarding, habits, mood swings, the places they visit or the food they eat; the scope of social Media is much more than that. Students and faculty can use it to increase their collaborations in terms of assignments, team projects, content sharing, discussions; brands and businesses can increase their visibility; latest news can be shared; learning opportunities via different tutorials; arrangement of meet

Effective use of Social Media Outreach: Blogging and Training Session

The Special training on "Effective use Of Social Media Outreach; Blogging and Training Session  was organised at sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) Islamabad on 26th July, 2016 for their interns from Summer Internship Program (SIP) . The session started with the opening remarks Mr. Asif Mehmoood, Associate Trainer at Centre For Capacity Building (CCB) in SDPI who described the purpose of the training and introduced the trainer, Mr. Yasir Dil  who works in Digital Campaign and Communication, SDPI. This aim of thisone hour training was  to urge the trainees to use social media in effective manner. Objectives of the training: 1.  To familiarise the trainees with the key concept of content writing and sharing on Social Media. 2. To help the trainees to adapt better to the technological advancements in Social Media and its tools. After formal introductions; the trainer mentioned the five pillars of Social Media i.e.  1. People (which are most abundan