RealTterrorists: Myth vs Reality

What is terrorism? What do  terrorists want? Power? Money? Publicity? The word terrorism is derived from a Latin word which literally means"to frighten" by the use of violent acts, terrify  the people of any area in order to achieve goals of political interests or economic interests. It is an issue that plagues our world every minute of every day. We never know when or where a terrorist group to strike. It is the most hideous, abominable and hateful activity ever committed by human beings. Its purpose is to horrify the people by the acts f violence, creating horror, fear even damaging properties, hurting and killing innocent people. The history of terrorism Scicarii were a first group who murdered people in their campaign to oust their Roman ruler from Judea. This was the beginning of terrorism in the world is an old as the first century BC. 

The never ending war is being fought on the issue of "who the real terrorists are?"in many states. The religious states argue there exists no concept of terrorism in religion and the term is developed as a result of secularism. While secularists are of the point of view that religion itself is a terror and believe that it finds its roots in religion, for example they wrongly interpret the concept of jihad discussed n the Holy Quran, and proclaim Muslims as terrorists, presuming that religious teachings motivate people towards terrorism. On the other hand, Muslims claim that jihad is not something impulsive terrorism or oppression, that is they clearly testify that Muslims are not terrorists and terrorists are not Muslims. Therefore, the dispute between two aspects is still unresolved, as none of the two is able to justify it's look.

At present the gravest problem in Pakistan is facing is terrorism. Through, it is a global issue but Pakistan has to bear the burnt of it. Pakistan's involvement in the war on Terror has further fuelled the fire. In the western world, Pakistan is known as the exporter of terrorism, where as an operation: Zarb-e-Azab is going on in Pakistan just to develop peace and harmony in the country. Because of this intra-state war not only we ourselves continue to suffer from terrorism acts but also our national interests as at stake. Unfortunately, so far Pakistan seems to be the only state paying a heavy price for this commitment, especially in terms of the economic instability that has increased as a result of our having become front-line state. Terrorism is no like a specific fruit which only grows in Pakistan; it is a virus which is spreading worldwide.

Terrorists have long refuge in countries and in many cases worked hand in hand with the local government. The countries with significant terrorism include Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria. In the mid 1990s Afghanistan has become the hotbed of Islamic terror activities having the broad umbrella organization of Al-Queda recruited terrorists around the world. Iran has long been an active sponsor of Islamic terrorism. The presence of Us troops in Iraq has attracted Islamic terrorists from Middle East and around the world. The active organization in Iraq includes Al-Mahdi, Iraqi Resistance and Kurdistan's people. The Syria has also become the hub of terror.Some of the Islamic extremists also come from Palestine.

The term super power was first used for the alliance of United Kingdom, united States and Soviet Union however this monopoly broke after the Suez crisis; giving rise to cold war among America and Soviet Union. However, this also ended at the collapse of the Soviet empire in 1991  and from tension the two states; emerged the basis of modern terrorism. The quest of being the best still remains igniting many countries which have suffered because of their greed. Here, in this quest comes a state which is not interested in   establishing or maintaining status quo rather  controls the global political , social and economic situations rather her interests  lies in controlling superpowers and has proved herself to be mother state of all the evils. She aids both America and Russia in their dirty politics and feeds on their hollow souls.

The issue of proclaiming one as a real terrorist is still debatable. Those claiming were in the benefit of the world are the greatest threat to it. They are not only selfish but greedy also and they burn whatever comes in their way. Portrayal of Pakistan as terrorism production country worldwide is wrong because Pakistan is a peace loving nation and plays her important role in combating terror.With the passage of time, terror has invaded the Muslim countries and found proper organization for development and training other people as well. Some groups have redefined themselves after being defeated or force into democracy. Advancement in technology would further increase terrorism in the future.   Therefore, all the force having deleterious effects, which speaking world's peace, can be regarded as "the real terrorists"
Written by:
Nageen Sohail
Rija Hafeez
Sara Nayab Ali Khan
Zainab Naeem
Zarmina Khan


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