The mighty heart

There used to be a time when terrorists used to be attacked; resulting in the deaths of many innocents specially children but  first time in the history of man kind children have been targeted. Children on whom the bright future of Pakistan was dependent, those children who  didn't even get a chance to defend themselves but those children  had mighty hearts and most of them were children of army personals.

It is not the first time that Pakistan has faced terrorist attacks. Men, children, and women have died before in drone attacks etc but this time children of Army Public School have been victimized. It has been reported that 134 children have been killed and more than this figure are injured due to this attack by TTP. The most tragic part is that children of army officers have been targeted (many are still participating in the operation against taliban "Zarb-e-Azab". The saviors of Pakistan have given numerous sacrifices for the nation but this time the attack on their children is been highly criticized as the bright future of Pakistan have been put to this situation.

While all this sad  situation; the people of Pakistan first witnessed the true potential of the women of this nation. The female school teacher of Army Public School showed courage and stood up against taliban who were killing children in front of them. The vice Principal  Ms. Tahira Qazi helped to evacuate approximately 960 children and then was martyred due to her refusal to leave children with those terrorists. Two other young teachers have been reported to stood up for the defense of children who have been burnt alive.

Is is useless to debate upon the matter that whether those assassins were Muslims or not ; humans or aliens but what we have witnessed so far is that this incident has shaken the Pakistani nation from its roots. More over, we realized , for the very first time, that Muslim women can not only  tend, prepare and pray for the mighty warriors rather they can even stand up by them selves at the time of need. The mighty hearten women can change the course of time . Although the martyred teachers did not succeed in saving all the children (approximately 141 children) still they have become a symbol of hope for many. I my self , have never been able to select some "ideal" in my life but now I guess my search has been completed.
Pakistan Zindabad!!


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