The unfinished job

"If Hitler would have done his job properly ;the world would have been a better place to live in."

It's not the first time that the Israeli's have shown their true color to the world (worth mentioning is the fact that white house do not condemn these attacks rather term it as their "defending themselves from vicious attacks"). The international media seems quite biased about their views about these attacks yet a few have managed to raise their voice for the Palestinians for their sufferings. Israel is claimed to be the house of the masterminds of most of the terrorist attacks in the world ( Muslim world in abundance) has always shown aggression towards Gaza in particular. Their intertwined networks , intelligence and relations with super powers have always favored them to get what they want.Their history with Arabs ; their misfortune over the time( since their inception) or their cunning nature which produced insurgents and their rebellion against their leader (again since their inception) has somehow given rise to a fretful  nation whose only mission seems to cause pain to Muslims.

   Long gone are they days when they suffered from the aggression of those who had the power; were highly condemned by all and were brutally murdered only on the basis of their religion (a despicable example of racism) have set the very same scale for punishing the innocent for the sins they never made. Gaza has been suffering from the same sort of aggression from a long time. The same sort of aggression can also be viewed in other parts of world also and Kashmir in worth mentioning here but their situation varies because  the fact that the Kashmirs from Jammu suffer whole year and do not face a three sided attack but are murdered at many times in a year. In both cases the civilians are murdered ( no one have the sense of security).
   Gaza  has been targeted not only from one but all sides.Muslims have a unique property of universal brotherhood they declare themselvesas brothers regardless of geographical boundaries. We, being Muslims are pained all over the world because of these incidents. Another fact remains the same, the sufferings of Muslims because of Israelis. No wonder that this pain is also being felt by non-Muslims also as racism can be practiced on the basis of religion but basic human rights remain the same. No one in the right state of mind (not to mention personal interest) can tolerate this behavior. If Hitler would have done his job properly his job properly ( or would have got enough time before his suicide); the world would have been a better place to live in.His "unfinished job is causing mayhem everywhere.May be the world would have been free of many issues.
Now the question arises, if we "Muslims are indeed brothers and share views, gains and losses,why this massacre cannot be controlled? Where are the united oil providers who control the mineral wealth? Has their Islamization limited been limited to marry enormous times?Or their "worldly benefactors will not tolerate this ? The answer is unknown to all. We the ordinary people think that demonstrating on social media can be a part of our battle against oppressors but is this enough? Does changing your display picture or updating a status; tweeting about the injured and last but not the least sharing the pictures of wounded people clears our conscience? We should remember that that time can come on any one among us so are we ready to demand for justice in the right way? (Particularly when the Muslim countries are targeted by drones we do reflect upon atleast the basic huma rights don't we?)


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