
Showing posts from August, 2016

A look in “Prevention of Cyber Crime Law” (Pakistan)

Usage of internet is the need of today. No domain of life seems possible without it. Sectors like education, business, trade, telecommunication etc. have been revolutionized only because of it. The life which we are living is quite different from the one which was lived by our forefathers. The way we think, talk, interact, plan our day and communicate with others is different from what our ancestors did. Long gone are the days when people used to gather at night in open spaces, around fire to share their experiences from their day. Thanks to social media communication has become more feasible and less time consuming. Now we can share our very own information, thoughts and ideas with anyone at any time within minutes. Prevention of Cyber Crime Law in Pakistan: Where globalization has shared brought people closer or 6 degree separation is empowering human rights and living standards; it is not uncommon for countries to rely or more on electronic sources.  Pakistan is one of t

Cyber Crimes and Ethics: A look in “Prevention of Cyber Crime Law” (Pakistan)

Usage of internet is the need of today. No domain of life seems possible without it. Sectors like education, business, trade, telecommunication etc. have been revolutionized only because of it. The life which we are living is quite different from the one which was lived by our forefathers. The way we think, talk, interact, plan our day and communicate with others is different from what our ancestors did. Long gone are the days when people used to gather at night in open spaces, around fire to share their experiences from their day. Thanks to social media communication has become more feasible and less time consuming. Now we can share our very own information, thoughts and ideas with anyone at any time within minutes. Image has been retrieved from When presented an opportunity; the hidden critic, philosopher, writer, and analysts comes out of every human. Social media helps them to play the r

Adbul Sattar Edhi's Ideology of Social Service & Charity

Photo credits: SDPI Speakers:   Ms. Shazia Maqsood Chairperson Pakistan Centre for philanthropy, Shoaib Sultan, Javed                     Dar Depty Represenatative Edhi Foundation Venue:       SDPI Conference Hall Date:         1st August, 2016 Timings:    3:00 pm-5:00 pm The objective of the session was to review the ideology of Mr. Edhi along with his good governance which has resulted in performing tasks like no other and to pay tribute to that legendary man.  The session started with the opening remarks of team Dr Abid Suleri who introduced Mr Edhi as an entity whose is greater than any words concentrated. The life of Mr Edhi is a success story, a land mark and an ideology of good governance which needs to be recognized at every level. From starting till progression, Edhi has formed an example. SDPI plans to conduct researches on his work to highlight them. He raised the question about the factors because of which people had faith in him and made him successful. He