
Showing posts from June, 2015

Jehaad- for Zero Thalassemia-Islamabad

"Thalassemia is a rare inherited blood disorder characterized from moderate to severe anaemia."  Have you ever wondered the existence of species that have no mode of survival but human blood? The first ting that comes to might be your favourite fictional characters but what if someone real exists in this world with the very same mode of nutrition? Now you might think I'm mad but the reality is that there is a disease in which a person can only survive with the supply of human blood which is known as Thalassemia. Thalassemia is a rare inherited blood disorder characterized from moderate to severe anaemia. In this disease the bone marrow fails to form enough blood cells to transport haemoglobin ,thus leads to the shortage of blood in the body. Genetically Thalassemia is divided into two types: Alpha-thalassemia Beta-thalassemia  In alpha Thalassemia genes from chromosome 16 are deleted which result in production of non-alpha globin proteins. In beta-thalassem