
Showing posts from December, 2014

The mighty heart

There used to be a time when terrorists used to be attacked; resulting in the deaths of many innocents specially children but  first time in the history of man kind children have been targeted. Children on whom the bright future of Pakistan was dependent, those children who  didn't even get a chance to defend themselves but those children  had mighty hearts and most of them were children of army personals. It is not the first time that Pakistan has faced terrorist attacks. Men, children, and women have died before in drone attacks etc but this time children of Army Public School have been victimized. It has been reported that 134 children have been killed and more than this figure are injured due to this attack by TTP. The most tragic part is that children of army officers have been targeted (many are still participating in the operation against taliban "Zarb-e-Azab". The saviors of Pakistan have given numerous sacrifices for the nation but this time the attack on t