
Showing posts from February, 2018
What is Composting? Composting: The controlled decomposition of organic matter (food waste, grass, other organic municipal wastes) is termed as “Composting”. Organic matter is broken down through the action of microorganisms in the presence of adequate moisture and oxygen into nutrient rich soil like material. Composting is dependent upon temperature and required optimum temperature range. This activity can be carried out by in controlled conditions which can support a pile. The organic waste is broken down by earthworms, bacteria and microorganisms in the soil. Natural composting takes place without any human input however, water and oxygen is introduced to accelerate the activity. Once the activity id completed the product is termed humus.  (Cunningham, 2016) . This activity maximizes the recycling of existing materials and reduces load on landfills and incinerators . Composting requires both physical and chemical transformation of the organic matter. Types of Composting:

Determination of Toxic Compounds Present in Products used Daily

Dependent upon highly synthetic products has been increasing since last few decades. Industrious lifestyles are leading to more dependence on synthetic products than products with natural origins. Such projects are easily available and usually cheaper than natural products. These chemicals are insidious form of body pollution as they enter the body via multiple routes and may reside in organs for long time hence cause toxicity. These health care, cosmetics, toiletries contain many chemicals which are foreign to the natural metabolism of our bodies. Such items also contain certain chemicals which may have toxic effect on our body. For the sake of this study, I have identified a few daily use items and studied the harmful chemicals present in them. There details and (available) antidotes of some products are given below: Vaseline Healthy White: Vaseline Healthy White body lotion is commonly used in Summer for moisturization of the body. Its basic composition includes Isopropyl myri