
Showing posts from August, 2014

Let it go

Yesterday, after a very long time, I opened the files in my SD-card and was thrilled to see so many of those memories which had been some how, forgotten due to the other activities by me. Their were pictures of old times of friends, family, birthdays, cakes, chocolates etc and lots of videos which had been made once by me. I felt so delighted that in the next twelve hours, they were viewed for about a dozen times by me.Why it was difficult to delete them in the beginning and why I saved them again in my phone; the answer is unknown. It seems so odd whenever we have to dispose of certain sort of thing; which has served us in the past and we feel  emotionally attached to it. Our first cell phone of and old T-shirt can also be the examples. Sometimes we save messages of our loved ones to read and re-read them;we keep the numbers of our friends saved in our phone book and keep on hoping that one day they will contact us.Many times it occurs to us that now its the time to delete that stuf